Saturday, November 24, 2007

Fit, Form and Function

Last Sunday I set up the bow and stern forms and aligned them to the strong back center line with a string. Some things sound deceptively easy when you are writing - it took me at least 4 hours to get this perfect. The idea is to have a perfectly square set forms in all x, y and z axes.

These look like two dimensional mushrooms from this angle, but these forms are what I will be pinning my cedar strips to. The string (which I'm not sure you can see) runs from end to end about an inch above the tops of the forms. Each form has a center line that you need to align to the string and the center line on the strongback - this makes it square in all direction once you screw it into the station block that were put on earlier.

If you look at it from a slightly different angle, it starts to look a little more like a canoe.

Aligning and squaring these took a few extra hands and eyes - you start to see things after a while.
On the fitness front - it was a sorry state of will power this week. I got out to the gym only twice (once for a cardio workout and once for weights) and I only played one game of hockey. The league game this week was late (10:30pm) and a combination of the weather outside and the nice fireplace inside resulted in an instinctive decision.
I'm digging out an old work out routine to mix things up a bit - changing the workout routine every now and then helps.
MoviePix is running a Bond film marathon this week. Some of these bring back memories of the gang going to see these on a Saturday night at the Somerset. Man, some of these are so cheesy when you look back and scenes obviously stolen from previous movies, you'd think they'd never cleaned off the story board.
Casino Royale is on tonight and I have to say I like the grittier, darker bond films - s it's going to be a toss up between Bond or BSG "Razor" .


Anonymous said...

Ah ... standing in line for premieres at the Somerset. Now I'm nostalgic, too!

Thanks for letting us peek at the progress in the workshop.

Brent Buckner said...

Usually the Elgin for Bond movies; many others at the Somerset!

I have the _Razor_ DVD on order from Amazon.

Thanks for the photojournalism of the project.