Saturday, August 25, 2007

On Walden Pond

Getting out for a couple of weeks was needed. Deb and I hunkered down at the cottage for the whole two weeks of vacation - and it was great.

Work has been getting the best of me lately. I knew I was stressed, but no idea how badly. After coming back from holidays, my guts were immediately in a knot and I had trouble sleeping all week. Far too much going on at the plant and a lot of staff cuts were made final this week.

Although the weather wasn't as hot as Deb likes it (ie air temperature 30 and martni temperature 10 or less), it was always sunny and the martinis were always cold.

However, while I was at the lake, I made the best of it. Read a couple of novels (actually two and a half), made some repairs, built some chairs and had some very nice leisurely dinners with friends and family.

The chairs were made out of left over lumber from my back deck at home. It's red cedar and the grain looks amazing with the clear finish (the picture is the unfinished product).

I could only use a jigsaw and my circular saw, so a lot of the cuts are done by eye without a guide. I think they turned out pretty good - just goes to show what you can do if you can take your time and have fun with something.

Of course, I couldn't put a brand new chair on the ratty, old looking deck (at least I think those were the words used - just kidding Deb).

Still - it was very relaxing.

Craig and Karen came up for a weekend and we all had a blast. Friday and Saturday night were both spent in front of the fire pit looking at the stars and watching the meteor showers. Quite a sight.

At one point, we all spotted a satellite moving across the sky. As chance would have it, it caught the light of the sun that had just set low behind the mountain. It was like a flash bulb from space, only for a second, but something none of us had ever seen before.

We had brought the "fur kids" up with us and they had a blast. Phantom bagged 2 shrews and a field mouse - no credit was given for the 2 chipmunks that played possum until they were dropped. If only I could have captured the look of suprise on his face when they bolted under the cottage - he must have had it figured out after that as he was on a mission every time he went out.

Phantom also found a snake - which was very entertaining as he had never seen one before. It reared up a couple of times trying to look imposing, but Phantom batted at the things head like a ill tuned metronome - wow a toy that moves on it's own. Not to worry, it got away unharmed.

One thing I am glad to see is the variety of wildlife around the lake. A good sign of a balanced eco-system. There were tons of frogs and toads this year. Karen saw a snapping turtle with a shell about 2 feet in diameter. Minks (possibly otters) have been seen around as well as a couple of ospreys (which is a first). The loons had two young ones this year and it looks like they are eating well given their size.

So, now it's back to the grind. Hopefully, the batteries are recharged enough to see me through to Christmas. This break sure does help put things in perspective.


Brent Buckner said...

Staff cuts - surely gruesome.

Hope the recharging did indeed replenish.

Anonymous said...

Great shots, and like Brent, hope the getaway worked wonders enough.