Monday, July 9, 2007

Animals from the cottage

At the risk of redundancy, I'm going to post a link to a couple of videos Deb and I shot at the cottage. Deb is much more adept at the editing and the final artistic output - I'm just a cameraman to her "Spielberg".

There were a couple of pretty neat sightings this week - one was a Dock Spider....not the biggest I've seen around the place, but sizeable. The other was a young moose (which is fairly rare for our area).

Despite the dreary weather, it was good to get away. I'm still sorry I didn't get to film Deb on her rant on mining rights (Rick Mercer would've been proud).

Baby Turtle

Moose on the loose

Bug Hunting


Anonymous said...

I love mooses to pieces ... oh ... wait, wrong vowels ...

Brent Buckner said...

That moose doesn't appear to be much bigger than a donkey yet - that'll change!