Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Weekend in the Vineyard

Part of this weekend was spent in our vineyard at the cottage. Boy - that does sound posh and romantic doesn't it. Maybe I should stop there.

By "spending time" I mean to say I was stooped over for hours digging through sand, fending off deerflies with no shade to be found, pruning over grown shrubs so the raccoons will have something to eat this fall.

But at the end of it all, we can get a few bottles of wine out of it.

"Tastes good to me"
-Thomas Hayden Church's character in "Sideways"


Deb said...

Just remember sweetie, the worst part is over now! From here on in it's just a few minutes each weekend of weeding and tieing (and, of course, pepper dipping in September).

Brent Buckner said...

Ah, raccoons.

They're vermin again in the West Indies.